Fixing the Unity3D 5.3 startup error on Linux

If you experience this error with the newest Unity3D Build on Linux, just do this one simple step: Create the folder ~/.local/share/unity3d and you are good to go! Now have fun with Unity! In more detail, the “main” error message in ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log is CopyPackageFile failed, unable to copy /opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Resources/Packages/unity-editor-home-0.0.7.tgz to /home/luca/.local/share/unity3d/Packages/unity-editor-home-0.0.7.tgz CopyPackageFile failed, unable to copy /opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Resources/Packages/unityeditor-cloud-hub-0.0.1.tgz to /home/luca/.local/share/unity3d/Packages/unityeditor-cloud-hub-0.0.1.tgz ...

Deploying Unity WebGL with Apache

Have you had troubles getting your exported Unity WebGL project to work? GET /Release/UnityConfig.js 404 (Not Found) GET /Release/fileloader.js 404 (Not Found) GET /Release/1446299115.js 404 (Not Found) I got the instructions here: Export your Unity project as WebGL (probably already did this). Move every file from the Release folder into the Compressed folder. You can now delete the Release folder. Your folder structure should look like this: .htaccess index.html Compressed * many files (.datagz, .jsgz, .memgz) TemplateData * many image files, 1 .css & 1 .js file Enter sudo a2enmod rewrite in the terminal (to activate the rewrite Apache module). ...